Chernomorsk Shiprepair Yard
Chernomorsk Shiprepair Yard was established in 1951 in convenient harbour of Sukhoi Estuary ( the northwestern Black Sea). It has favorable location: close to Chernomorsk (ex Ilyichevsk) Sea port, 15 km from International airport and about 20 km from Odessa. Besides, ships calling at Chernomorsk in winter have the additional benefit of mild climatic conditions here.
Since the foundation of Shiprepair Yard, it has carried out repair works of all vessels types, using the latest technology. In 2006, the company changed ownership from public to private. These changes, along with increased activity of Shiprepair Yard in the world ship repair market led to a comprehensive modernization of the production capacity of the Yard.
Today Chernomorsk Shiprepair Yard is the largest Ukrainian shiprepair who provides first class facilities for any kind of ship repair and conversion. Nowadays the company is capable to repair all types of ships up to Panamax size including technically advanced types of vessels such as car carriers, ro-ro, ferries, Panamax product tankers, multipurpose vessels and container carriers.
Today staff of Shiprepair Yard accounts 1200 specialists skilled in naval architecture, mach inery repair, piping, electronics, etc. Technical and engineering depatments provide support of repair process at all stages of repair. The yard's capabilities are enhanced by a large local network of sub contractors qualified in a variety of specialities.

Customer satisfaction is the main goal of Chernomorsk Shiprepair Yard. That is why we are flexible and transparent in pricing.
Marketing engineers will prepare a commercial proposal for ship repairs in one working day. In addition, our price list is always under control and corresponds to the current situation in the international ship repair market. This guarantees a competitive level of our prices. We invite you to verify this!
You can be sure in our firm commitment in contract completion times as well.
Quality assurance system
Chernomorsk Shiprepair Yard provides a quality assurance system in accordance with ISO 9001 certified by Russian Register of Shippig. Staff of Quality Control department supervises each step of the repair process.
Besides, the company has more than 20 licenses for its main activities including the same of the Minis try of Economy, Gosgortekhnadzor.